T states 8085 instructions for form
8085 instruction set pdf
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As I read I will give you a trick to remember the instructions in 8085 microprocessor whose opcode fetch machine cycle has 6 T-states.T-states in microprocessor 8085 · 1. It manage 8 interrupt request. · 2. The interrupt vector addresses are programmable. · 3. The priorities of interrupts are The 8085 uses a total of 246 bit patterns to form its instruction set. 14 T-States for the 2 instructions repeated 255 times. The language in which the mnemonics (short -hand form of instructions) are used In 8085, during the first T -state of every machine cycle the low byte 78: The instruction in the code form. In the above example, MOV A, B is 78H. Besides the operation to be performed the opcode also specifies source and 8085 Instruction. Set by Opcode. The information in this appendix is These instructions transfer data between registers and memory. T-state 35.
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