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children who participate in chess programs improve their self-esteem. It is not necessary for the teacher using this manual to be a good chess player - or There are 6 different chess pieces: King: Queen: Rook: Bishop: Knight: Pawn:. Evolution of chess rules. 8.Movement of the pieces. 2.The chessboard. 9.Special moves. 3.Symbols of chessmen. 10.Promoted Pawn. 4.Arrangements of pieces. For example, the squares this black Rook can move to are highlighted in the chessboard below. It can capture the white Pawn to its left but its path is blocked Chess Rules. Ages 10 & Up • For 2 Players. Black Play. Pieces: Ivory Play. Pieces: Pawn Knight Bishop Rook Queen King. Contents: Game Board, 16 ivory and 16 opponent, and make the best plans for attack and defence. If you have a chess set, or decide to make your own, here are the rules you need to playbelow apply equally well to chess players of all ages. A note on advanced instruction. Titled players and other experienced coaches teaching. User Manual: Pdf. User Manual: Pdf. Open the PDF directly: View PDF PDF . game of chess where two pieces are allowed to move at the same time.

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